Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Diary of Betty Herndon Maury - July 23, 1861

Tuesday 23d [July 1861]

We only pursued the enemy as far as Centerville on Sunday.

Gen' Beauregard commanded the right wing, Gen' Johnson the left and Jeff Davis the center.

President Davis sent the following telegram to his wife.

"We have won a glorious but dear bought victory. The night closed with the enemy in full flight pursued by our troops".

In two of our Virginia regiments every officer above the rank of Lieut' was killed. We fought in the open field and not behind intrenchments.

Oh what suffering there must be among those poor wounded soldiers. Wish I was fit to go and help nurse them. I am trying to raise a little money to buy a few comforts for them.

Am disappointed that our troops only pursued the enemy to Centerville. I had hoped they were now in Alexandria.

Will went over last night to tell Mrs. Temple that Gen' Holmes's command was not engaged that her mind might be relieved about her sons.

Nannie Belle cut her thumb slightly with the scissors yesterday. The sight of the blood made her very sick and she came near fainting. She is exactly like her father.

Received a letter from Dick. He is at Burrels bay on James river.

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