Saturday, April 19, 2008

Diary of Betty Herndon Maury - January 5, 1862

[Sunday] January 5th 1862

Papa has been at home since before Christmas. Has been quite sick with cold and has the gout now though he insists it is the rhumetism. He is much worried at being confined here when it is so important that he should be attending to the building of the Steam Launches. The appropriation should have been given to him in October when he first asked for it. He could have made much head way in the last three months instead of just commencing now.

Lincoln has given up Mason and Slidell and their secretaries to Lord Lyons, but has made no apology for the insult as the English Government demanded. Mr. Seward rather justifies the act in his letter to Lord Lyons. Says that if Capt’ Wilkes had seized the Trent and had her condemned at the nearest port it would have been all lawful and right. But as that form was omitted, and as the rebellion has been effectually checked and considerably lessened in its propositions he is willing to give the Commissions up.

We hope to hear from England again on the subject.

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