Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Diary of Betty Herndon Maury - June 20, 1861

Thursday 20th [June 1861]

The Convention in Richmond were surprised and delighted to see how much good the Governor’s Council had done, thought the State could not do without it. But the Council thought they were unnecessary now that everything has been handed over to the Confederate States. So it has been abolished.

Papa is going up Saturday to see cousin Frank Minor. What a warm and true friend he is. He is very anxious that Papa shall be sent as Minister to England thinks it would be an appointment that would please the people and that he would have more influence abroad than any other man. Cousin Frank need not take to himself the credit of having first thought of it. I have been wishing for it for more than a month. It is the only office in the gift of the Government that I covet for Papa. They surely would not send him into active service. He is too valuable and great a man for that.

Dick is chafing very much at being kept so long in Lexington. He wants to be in active service somewhere. Says he thirsts for Yankee blood and cannot bear to be up there behind the mountains when so many others are in the field.

I have found an old black satin cloak that I have been looking for to make a puffing round the bottom of my three year old brown silk to make it long enough. It is the only thick dress I have with me. All my handsomest clothes were left in the trunk in Alexandria.

It is strange how one can become accustomed to almost any mode of life. Here we are now almost as happy as in our last days and we cannot look into the future of this world at all. Cannot form an idea as to where or in what condition we might be one month hence.

Will has gone to the Creek this morning. Hope he will have as pleasant a day. Six or eight gentlemen went.

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